We found 10 episodes of Addiction and the Family with the tag “al-anon”.
Episode 43: Rising from Tragedy to Become a Warrior in Hope
July 28th, 2023 | 51 mins 42 secs
12 step, acoa, addiction, adult children of alcoholics uplifting, al-anon, alanon, alcoholics anonymous, alcoholism, coda, families anonymous, family, hope, nar-anon, naranon, narcotics anonymous, recovery, self-help, smart recovery, uplifting
Valerie Silveira, founder of Warriors in Hope, talks about how the tragedy around addiction in her daughter changed her life, not only in how low it took her but also how it was transformed into a source of inspiration to help others.
Episode 42: Wired for Addiction with Dr. Evelyn Higgins
June 30th, 2023 | 39 mins 52 secs
12 step, acoa, addiction, adult children of alcoholics uplifting, al-anon, alanon, alcoholics anonymous, alcoholism, coda, families anonymous, family, hope, nar-anon, naranon, narcotics anonymous, recovery, self-help, smart recovery, uplifting
We interview Dr. Evelyn Higgins and discuss the genetics of addiction, how this brings hope, and the personal journey that inspired her work.
Episode 41: Incurable Hope with Lisa Gennosa
May 26th, 2023 | 52 mins 22 secs
12 step, acoa, addiction, adult children of alcoholics uplifting, al-anon, alanon, alcoholics anonymous, alcoholism, coda, families anonymous, family, hope, nar-anon, naranon, narcotics anonymous, recovery, self-help, smart recovery, uplifting
Lisa Gennosa talks about the trials and blessings of her son's addiction, finding her own recovery, and helping others through personal encounters, professional talks, and her new book "Incurable Hope".
Episode 40: Questions Families Ask
April 28th, 2023 | 41 mins 10 secs
12 step, acoa, addiction, adult children of alcoholics uplifting, al-anon, alanon, alcoholics anonymous, alcoholism, coda, families anonymous, family, hope, nar-anon, naranon, narcotics anonymous, recovery, self-help, smart recovery, uplifting
We tackle some of the questions families have for people in active addiction, in treatment, and then in early recovery. Our all-star panel of people in recovery from addiction give honest and heartfelt answers.
Episode 39: How to Help Relationships Survive Early Recovery
March 24th, 2023 | 58 mins 24 secs
12 step, acoa, addiction, adult children of alcoholics uplifting, al-anon, alanon, alcoholics anonymous, alcoholism, coda, families anonymous, family, hope, nar-anon, naranon, narcotics anonymous, recovery, self-help, smart recovery, uplifting
We explore the stress that addiction and early recovery put on relationships of all kinds and how to find your way to healthier relationships through all of it.
Episode 38: Deanna and Travis: Family Helping Each Other Find Recovery
February 24th, 2023 | 46 mins 56 secs
12 step, acoa, addiction, adult children of alcoholics uplifting, al-anon, alanon, alcoholics anonymous, alcoholism, coda, families anonymous, family, hope, nar-anon, naranon, narcotics anonymous, recovery, self-help, smart recovery, uplifting
As teens, Deanna and Travis were suddenly siblings when their parents married. Little did they suspect that they would help each other find and deepen the recovery they share today.
Episode 37: Gigi: How to Be Your Most Loving Self
January 21st, 2023 | 46 mins 32 secs
12 step, acoa, addiction, adult children of alcoholics uplifting, al-anon, alanon, alcoholics anonymous, alcoholism, coda, families anonymous, family, hope, nar-anon, naranon, narcotics anonymous, recovery, self-help, smart recovery, uplifting
Dr. Gigi Langer talks about her recovery both from her own addiction and as a family member, and what this taught her about being her most loving self. She shares some of those insights, including removing roadblocks to being your most loving self.
Episode 36: Navigating the Holidays in Recovery
December 11th, 2022 | 40 mins 10 secs
12 step, acoa, addiction, adult children of alcoholics uplifting, al-anon, alanon, alcoholics anonymous, alcoholism, coda, families anonymous, family, hope, nar-anon, naranon, narcotics anonymous, recovery, self-help, smart recovery, uplifting
How to survive and even thrive during the holidays whether you are recovering from your own addiction or someone else's.
Episode 35: Ashleigh: A Sibling's Perspective
November 25th, 2022 | 47 mins 36 secs
12 step, acoa, addiction, adult children of alcoholics uplifting, al-anon, alanon, alcoholics anonymous, alcoholism, coda, families anonymous, family, hope, nar-anon, naranon, narcotics anonymous, recovery, self-help, smart recovery, uplifting
Ashleigh Nowakowski, author of "The Shadow Child", talks about how she was affected by her brother's addiction, recovery, and relapse, finding her own recovery in the process, setting boundaries, and how she has grown as a result
Episode 34: Spirituality in Recovery
October 28th, 2022 | 49 mins 26 secs
12 step, acoa, addiction, adult children of alcoholics uplifting, al-anon, alanon, alcoholics anonymous, alcoholism, coda, families anonymous, family, hope, nar-anon, naranon, narcotics anonymous, recovery, self-help, smart recovery, uplifting
Casey talks about why spirituality is important to many people in recovery, where it's hard, and how to get through some of the challenges. He shares insights from his new book on spirituality.